St. Dominic School: 7th Grade

Mrs. Jennifer Dyer
"Prayer in action is love, love in action is service."
Mother Teresa
Teacher Bio:
Hello! I am Jennifer Dyer, and welcome to St. Dominic’s 7th grade classroom.
My husband and I have six sons including two adult sons who live in Quincy. The oldest is newly married, and we are blessed to now have a daughter in the family. The rest of the boys are in school…one at Mizzou, two at QND, and one at St. Dominic. I am so thankful to be part of the St. Dominic School family and blessed to be part of its amazing team of teachers. This is my second year at Saint Dominic, and I will teach 7th grade religion and 6th - 8th grade math. In collaboration, Mrs. Carol Frericks will teach English-Language Arts. I have a passion for math as a former civil engineer and have studied our Catholic faith extensively over the last 20 years, with teaching experience in both areas. I look forward to serving each student with love and compassion!
In Christ,
Mrs. Jennifer Dyer