Students in our Learning Lab have done such an amazing job working hard, staying focused and being organized during Remote Learning.
over 4 years ago, Nan Wood
Landon during remote
Lucian during remote
Kale during remote
Viktor during remote
Pre-School students enjoying recess on a beautiful December day!
over 4 years ago, Nan Wood
preschool students on playground
A self motivated project completed during remote learning! Way to go Riddick!
over 4 years ago, Meg Benner
All about Tanks!
This is just some of the fun we had a couple weeks ago at Before and After School Care! Little people were hiding in the leaves - so fun! And the puzzle makers were a hit with the kiddos! We are so thankful for our school families. May you have a blessed day!
over 4 years ago, St. Dominic School
Fun in the leaves
Fun with puzzles
8th grade participated in a lively debate during Social Studies remote learning yesterday!
over 4 years ago, Tera Smith
8th grade
Elearning is going great!
over 4 years ago, Donna Richmiller
Boulder loves elearning
What a wonderful virtual visit with Sister Karolyn FSGM this morning!
over 4 years ago, Hope Glidewell
Learning Lab during Remote Learning
over 4 years ago, Carol Frericks
Learning Lab during Remote Learning
Thank you to everyone who participated in Family Read Night last night.
over 4 years ago, Katie ONeal
Third grade showing their patriotic spirit in A Place for Grace.
over 4 years ago, Nan Wood
Students and teacher waving flags
Thank you to every student and staff member for a wonderful Veterans Day celebration. Thank you to our Veterans for serving our country.
over 4 years ago, Nan Wood
Veterans holding flags
Don't miss the drive-through turkey dinner organized by our wonderful PTO this Sunday, Nov. 15th from 11am - 1pm at St. Anthony Church!
over 4 years ago, St. Dominic School
turkey dinner 2020
The 7th grade Holy Moments Mass will take place this Saturday, November 14th at 6:30pm.
over 4 years ago, Katie Klauser
Holy Moments Mass 7th
Each class is making blankets and inspirational booklets for a resident at the Veteran's home. We will also be getting a wreath for their door. Thanks, Mrs. Ellerman, for letting us help brighten the day for a resident.
over 4 years ago, Katie Klauser
4th grade, blankets, veterans, Mrs. O'Neal
Muffins with Moms is just around the corner. Mark your calendars for September 30th, and make sure to attend with your kiddos!
over 4 years ago, St. Dominic School
Floral graphic that says Muffins with mom